Tuesday 4 September 2012


Yay for Gutter Garden Basil!
Pinterest is the most bizarre phenomenon - yet I'm completely in love with it!  Every time I try explaining the concept to non users they end up thinking I'm weird.  But get me in a room with other Pinners and we can talk about it for hours!  It's funny to me how I'll see a friend and often the first words out of one of our mouths is, "Pinterest?" and we'll point at whatever creative item we've got going on that day.  The friend will answer, "Of course! Have you seen...?" And on it goes.  This year, inspired by pinterest I tried out a few of the garden ideas.
I really need to maintain this... and peel off the labels!

The original Gutter Garden failed and I had to replant the seeds.  This time I put straw in the dirt to help hold the moisture in the soil.  I haven't been as attentive as I would have liked to have been and the watering was lacking... luckily we started getting more rain after I re planted the gutter garden - Next year I'll remember to water you daily. Thanks to UR and AC for the free gutters and K for the straw!

My Wine Bottle Garden Border exists thanks to all the company I've had who've helped us drink that wine! I wasn't sure about this idea because of the maintenance piece so I only put up a very short section of the border for a trial run.  I think I'm going to abandon this project.  Who wants to weed wack or peel labels?  Maybe I'll retry this one next summer...

Re purposed concrete
The third project was using pieces of the concrete we removed from our basement to create a pathway.  I talked about this one a bit in a previous post (One Step Forward Two Steps Back).

1 comment:

  1. Your garden is so creative and interesting.....
