Monday 30 July 2012

Welcome to Old Bones Young Souls!

About 8 months ago I read, "The Happiness Project" and ever since I haven't been able to shake my urge to start a blog. Since then I've read a lot of articles about how blogging has changed people's lives and I've been following some great blogs and so the time has finally come that I start my own.  I would like to welcome you to Old Bones Young Souls - Our journey to create an awesome home for our awesome family!
I have this hanging on our fridge!

The Lego House
Craig and I
My husband and I purchased our house that was built in 1914 about 6 months ago.  We have so many plans and dreams for this home it's ridiculous!  Our 2 year plan became our 3 year plan and now that we've had time to settle in and make some pretty major decisions we've decided that we're going to spend the next 5 years creating, remodeling, renovating, and loving our home.